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Around Völs am Schlern

Simply beautiful

Nature, culture and enjoyment between vineyards and the alpine meadows

Prösels castle and the Völser Weiher, one of the cleanest and purest lakes in all of Italy, are undoubtedly two of the highlights of the immediate environment. And then there are the legendary culinary delights Völs has to offer, and then there is the sun drenched power spot Peterbühl hill and its little chapel… Everyday new favourite spots are to be discovered.

Völser Weiher

The lake in the woods, the Völser Weiher, is the secret favourite spot of the local community. The small lake has a unique flair any time of the year and provides ample opportunities for sportive and recreational activities. Go for a swim in the summer or go ice-skating of play ice-hockey in the winter season – and enjoy the romantic surroundings of the lake any time.

The fairy tale castle Prösels

Indulge in the medieval period, visit an authentic knights’ hall, the castle chapel and the wider Renaissance surroundings of the Castle – all of this can be accessed during a guided tour through this significant art-historical monument.

Castle Prösels


A touch of golfer’s heaven

The 18 hole golf course in St. Vigil in Seis am Schlern is definitely a golf course like no other. The unique surroundings may prevent you from focussing on your game, but the course provides many different challenges and features, such as ponds and rivers, waterfalls, beautiful lawns and an excellent routing and long fairways. Thanks to 300 sunny days a year the golf course is open from April to November.

A glass of wine and ‘Völser Kuchkastl’

We love the good things in life. We particularly value our rustic food and the great wines produced by ambitious and industrious local wine makers as they reflect beautifully the variety of Völs. A visit in the local vineyards reveal a wide range of exquisite red and white wines and interesting stories.

The ‘Völser Kuchkastl’ is a particular annual highlight, which takes place in October. Food connoisseurs celebrate traditional and new food creations. The local restaurants’ menues present traditional – and sometimes half-forgotten – rustic food, which have been retrieved from ancient recipe books and which are often garnished with a contemporary touch.


Walks for joy

Starting a walk from your Aumia apartment  is particularly enjoyable in the spring and autumn period. Völs is the starting point for many walks for joy : across green forests towards the Völser Weiher oder past old vineyards and farmsteads, country inns and chest nut woods, especially on the Oachener Höfeweg – a perfect walk for those who prefer to take it easy.


Simply magic: Völs’s Christmas fair

Pre-Christmas moods, the golden light of Christmas trees and the sweet scent of hot drinks and tasty biscuits – this is what we in Völs work on to create a genuine and cosy Christmas atmosphere in Völs. And we really like the glow of the hot open fires and to listen to stories about Christmas and to listen to the music of our local musicians.